Motorcycle Rental Search
Included Features
Other Station
Booking and Consulting Hotline
030 - 707 93 40
032 - 512 70 06
0720 - 51 59 75
Phone Hours:
Eagle Rider is a leading Motorcycle specialist in the United States. They offer current, high quality motorcycles. Eagle Rider has been a long-standing and trusted partner for motorcycle rentals in the US.
Experienced motorcycle riders give the familiarization tour for every rented motorcycle.
Locations are open daily and often offer multilangual personel that is happy to assist you.
Exeptions in opening hours especially on the weekend are possible.
Additional riders are included in the rental price.
1000 Washington St. Foxboro, 02035
Telephone: (+1) 508-543-1734
Hours of Operation:
Mon: closed
Tue-Fri: 09:00-17:00
Sat: 09:00-16:00
Sun: 09:00-15:00